Summer in Phoenix...While friends are traveling to cooler climates, I'm home hiding from the sun.  But, soon it'll be my favorite time of year FALL! I'm tentative scheduled to plan a Harry Potter Party to coincide with the release of the first part of 'The Deathly Hallow's", and of course we'll have our annual costume party.  Bear with me as I avoid the sun, there won't be too many events during this time of year when I hibernate in the cool stillness of my house.

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    My very best friend, and co-conspirator is my mother Rose,
    I love party planning, and my happiest moment is seeing it all come to fruition.I'm a native Phoenician, and although I'll never completely get used to our scorching summers, I love it in the Fall and Winter, when snow is so close, yet far enough away so that I don't have to deal with it everyday.  I love planning parties, creating invitations, and taking my "only child" Ladybug for walks.  I'm hoping that event planning will be what I do for a long long time...


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